Saturday, July 25, 2009


Since I am away from school, might as well do a good deed by updating the class blog! (Btw, this is thanks to Nabilah for the request)

These announcements are contributed by Miu Yen, who has been emailing me homework and lesson plans since Friday.

So, these are the announcements

1) EOM Draft is due on Monday for Mdm Teo's students and the final submission is on the 6th August.

2) GPP is requested to be submitted, if I'm not wrong by Monday as well.

3) For those groups who have yet to submit your WR, please do so asap!

4) GP comprehension is due on Tuesday, so please please Ms Chua (word play here)

5) Group presentation on Monday, in which you all have prepared already

6) REGAN! Please remind the upcoming forum students. I suggest relaying to them now, like 6 people down the list since Ms Chua wants the reminder to be done two weeks in advance

7) For literature students, this is another reminder, please take note that every set of poems that Mdm Lai goes through will be accompanied with an essay question. As you all already know, the essay outline is to be presented and will be graded. I'm not so sure about Friday's lesson but this is what's going on from now on. I would like to stress the importance of the presentation as it not only makes up of your marks but it helps us in planning out the essay, since it has been identified that structure is still flawed for the majority of us.

8) As for maths, Mr Ling has "kindly" informed me that the students who failed maths MYE did not turn up for remediation. As the relay message relayed yesterday state, all these students are to attend NIGHT STUDY PROGRAMME on Monday. Mr Ling will have the remediation lesson at that time in the LIBRARY. Please turn up, as I'm been given the responsibility of making sure all of you turn up but can't seem to do it since I won't be around. Thank you for your cooperation

9) This announcement goes out to our dear treasurer, please bring what we promised to bring, technically you have it now.

10) Remember operation GRAIN people. Check my facebook to find out what the hell it means. This will smoothen our ACM's job

This is all I can remember for now. Will update soon.

(Apparently, there is something wrong with blogger's Posting section, so I cannot give you the proper structured quotes) Good day!

Posted by A04 Admin at 7:33 PM